Patching concrete garage floors

Patching concrete garage floors

Once again, that dreadful duty rolls around – cleaning out the garage.  Well, after you have removed a couple of layers of junk and you begin to recall what the floor looks like, you may discover that you have a few more cracks than the last time you saw your floor.  Don’t panic – you can probably do some patching to save that floor and avoid an expensive replacement job.

First, clean out the area around where you are going to be working.  Then, you are going to need a little time and a few simple tools:  a 2-lb. heavy hammer, a steel concrete chisel, a rough cleaning brush, a concrete mixing tub, a concrete hoe, and a straight-edge (a wooden 2” x 4″ will do.)  Plan on about two hours to repair the cracks in the average two-car garage.  For crack patching, it’s probably best to use (read more….)