Financial Assistance Programs

If you can’t afford home repairs, and you are a homeowner in Cuyahoga County, HRRC may be able to help. We can guide you through a number of options. In addition to the below programs, we have information on community resources such as County HELP and Historic Preservation Loans (low interest-rate programs for conventional borrowers.)  Be sure to Contact Us to find out what you might qualify for.

Shaker Heights
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Buckeye-Woodhill neighborhood in Cleveland
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Cleveland Heights
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Assist Incentive Grant
Up to $1,500 for Cleveland Heights homeowners at 80% median income. Repairs include roof replacement, heating system, footer drains, full exterior paint and masonry tear down / rebuild.

Deferred Loan Match
Deferred loan for Cleveland Heights homeowners for half of the cost of roof replacement, heating system, full exterior paint and masonry tear down/rebuild, footer drains, storm or sanitary sewer, or heating system; 0% interest; no monthly payment; loan secured by mortgage. Maximum of $5,000.

Senior Grants
For Cleveland Heights homeowners who are 62 years or older. $1,500 grant that is used with our other financial assistance programs that can be used towards the replacement of a roof or furnace.

Senior Home Stability Grant
Pays half of the cost of a repair up to $1,000 for Cleveland Heights homeowners. For repairs that positively impact upon the health and safety of seniors. HUD Guidelines apply.


Exterior Maintenance Grant
Up to $2,500 per property toward repair cost of ONLY exterior code violations cited by the Shaker Heights Building and Housing Department. 

Free Paint Voucher
To acquire paint and supplies required to correct exterior scrape and paint violations cited by the Shaker Heights Building and Housing Department.

Senior Safety Grant
Up to $500 to address immediate health and safety improvements in your home.  Projects can include bathroom repair, roof repair, accessibility modifications, plumbing repairs, and more. Shaker Heights homeowners must be 62 years old or older to qualify.


Buckeye Area Senior Incentive Grant (BASIG).
This program is designed to assist for homeowners age 62 or older, or totally and permanently disabled with important home repairs residing in the Buckeye Woodhill Neighborhoods Maximum grant amount is $2,000; Awarded amount depends on scope of repair project and total household income.

If any of these programs sound as if they might help you, complete the form below or contact:

Carolyn Ostrom
(216) 381-6100, ext. 10
Office Manager
[email protected]

Wesley B. Walker
(216) 381 6100, Ext. 13
Shaker Heights/BLCRF
[email protected]

Shannon Ward
(216) 381-6100, ext. 22
Cleveland Heights/BLCRF
[email protected]

Our advice is always free!


Financial Assistance Form