Resolve to clear street grates and hydrants

Resolve to clear street grates and hydrants

Making those New Year’s resolutions? Consider “adopting” a nearby street grate and fire hydrant.

In many communities, budget cuts mean that street drains and hydrants are no longer cleared regularly by city employees. When grates over street basins become covered with leaves, twigs, and debris, nearby roadways and yards can experience severe flooding during heavy rainstorms. In colder weather, blocked drains often result in ice build-up along the curb, catching drivers unaware. If you have a street basin near your property, check it on a regular basis and keep the grate clear of blockages. If the basin itself is filled with debris, or if it’s not draining at all, call your city’s Service Department.

Pay attention to fire hydrants, too. Snow packed around a hydrant by plows clearing the street can freeze over, leaving a rock-hard barrier that firefighters must chop through before connecting to a water source. A fire hydrant that has been cleared of snow can save precious minutes that firefighters can use to save homes.

So, resolve in 2015 to care for the sewer grates and hydrants near your home. Not only will you be a good neighbor – the property you save from damage may be your own!