Discouraging animal visitors

Discouraging animal visitors

Most urban areas in Northeastern Ohio, including Cleveland Heights, have experienced an increase in the populations of wild “critters” in recent years. The problems they cause can range from the merely annoying to the downright destructive – so, it’s a good idea to look at ways to keep them from setting up housekeeping in your neighborhood.

Most unwanted pests come looking for food. If you eliminate the things they like to eat, you can go a long way toward improving the situation. Place your garbage in cans with lids (use a “bungee cord,” if necessary, to lock down the top), or – if you use plastic garbage bags – keep the bags in a closed garage until the morning when they’re to be picked up. Clean up after parties or barbeques. Don’t feed animals outdoors, and keep birdseed off the ground. Elevate your wood pile at least twelve inches off the ground, and remove any decaying wood from your yard. Since skunks feed on grubs in the soil, you may want to treat your lawn to eliminate this food source. (If you’re not comfortable applying pesticides, there are some “natural” alternatives that may be effective.) (Read more….)