Board Profile: Meet Charles Kelley

Board Profile: Meet Charles Kelley

Charles Kelley joined HRRC’s Board of Directors about 2-1/2 years ago. “I believe the Board should reflect the diversity of the community,” Charles reflects, “and I like to think I can add some of that diversity.” A plumber for the City of Cleveland, Charles raised his family in Cleveland Heights, and his children are products of the Heights school system. He likes living here because Cleveland Heights is a family-oriented community.

Charles joined the Board out of a deeply-felt sense of obligation to help others. “When God gives you gifts,” he says, “you should give something back.” He saw the economic devastation that was destabilizing the community, and thought he might be able to help. He values most his experiences teaching HRRC’s repair classes. “I enjoy sharing some of the little things I have learned over the years as a plumber,” he explains. “It’s gratifying to have a direct effect on program participants, helping them to succeed at completing a repair. While my work on the Board involves broader administrative responsibilities, I really prefer direct contact with people.”

The most important challenge facing HRRC, in Charles’ opinion, is branding. “HRRC shouldn’t be the ‘best-kept secret in Cleveland Heights.’ It needs to be a household word.” Charles feels that all local businesses could help HRRC by carrying our brand in their establishments. “They can help us expand awareness, and strengthen the community, as well.” He also believes that a broader base of supporters is crucial to the organization’s future. “While HRRC values our larger donors, expanding the base of people giving smaller gifts would help HRRC become better known in the community.”