Board Profile: Meet Liz Bart

Board Profile: Meet Liz Bart

Liz Bart smElizabeth (“Liz”) Bart joined the board of Home Repair Resource Center one year ago in June. She reflects, “This is the first board I have had the pleasure to be a part of, and I am truly enjoying the experience. My family and I had moved to Cleveland Heights from Ohio City in August of 2013 and wanted to make a difference in the neighborhood that we now call home. Mary Dunbar, City Council Member of Cleveland Heights, recommended that I become a board member as a way to get involved in the community.”

Liz was involved in the process of hiring HRRC’s new executive director, Ben Faller, and found that search especially meaningful. “Through this process I got to learn a lot about the organization and what it takes to run HRRC, and was able to work with fellow board members. It also provided the opportunity to meet various candidates that all shared a strong desire to be a part of this organization.”

The biggest challenge/opportunity for HRRC today, in Liz’ opinion, is “how to expand the organization to neighboring communities in a sustainable and profitable way. We all know the areas we would like to include, but now we need to figure out the ‘how.’”

Liz is excited to have HRRC serve her new community. She explains, “We not only love the home we built on South Overlook, but also the neighborhood. Being within walking distances to so many great restaurants, parks, you name it, is really wonderful. Last year we welcomed a son Barron to the mix and have been showing him all the sights ever since. I currently hold the position of Risk Consultant for KeyBank downtown where I specialize in AML activity. I love being so close to the city and the easy morning commute from our new town.”